Il Giornale della Bellezza

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E’ ufficiale, una delle più famose icone del mondo Beauty degli ultimi tempi , Katherine von Drachenberg nota come Kat Von D, celebre cantante e tatuatrice americana, ha dichiarato attraverso un post sul suo profilo instagram ufficiale, che ha deciso di vendere totalmente la quota delle sue azioni del marchio beauty Kat Von D, alla multinazionale Kendo. Nell’ultimo anno l’artista è sparita totalmente dalla scena, tra la nascita della sua primo bambino, il lancio della sua nuova linea di scarpe vegane e la nuova tournée, la stessa Kat Von D ha ammesso di non essere riuscita a bilanciare tutto, di non poter fare tutto al massimo. Ma sul web da tempo si vociferava dell’ipotetica rottura tra lei e Kendo, specialmente dopo le varie dichiarazioni No Vax della nota cantante, le vendite del brand sono crollate vertiginosamente.

Questa non è stata una decisione facile, ma dopo un’attenta considerazione, ho deciso che volevo che la linea di make-up continuasse a prosperare e a crescere, e credo che Kendo sia pronta a fare proprio questo. Per evitare qualsiasi confusione dato il gran cambiamento, Kat Von D Beauty impiegherà un momento per rinominarsi, quindi inizierete a notare il cambiamento da KatVonD Beauty a KvD Vegan Beauty.


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This past year has been one of great change for me. As many of you know, I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy, launched my vegan shoe line, and am now busy prepping to release my long awaited album in the Spring, followed by an international tour! As much as I wish I could balance all of this, on top of continuing my makeup line, it has become clear to me that I just can’t do everything at the maximum capacity. It's hard to admit this, since I’ve always said “You can do everything and anything.” But I don’t think admitting one's limits is a bad thing. With that said, I’ve decided to sell my shares of the brand, turning it over to Kendo, my partners for the past 11 years. This was not an easy decision, but after careful consideration, I decided I wanted the makeup line to continue to thrive and grow, and I believe Kendo is primed to do just that. The transition for you, my loyal customers, will be seamless. In order to avoid any confusion with such a big change, Kat Von D Beauty will take a moment to rebrand itself, so you will start noticing the change from KatVonD Beauty to KvD Vegan Beauty. I'd like to thank my beloved fans+followers who supported my vision to create a brand that stood for compassion, true artistry, and challenged modern ideals of beauty — most of which I never could relate to. I was able to create a makeup line that made outsiders like me feel like we have a place in this “beauty” world, and gave myself and others the tools to express ourselves in our own unique way, whether it was embraced by the majority or not. And I just couldn’t have done any of this without you! Lastly, thank you for understanding+respecting my choice, as it was a difficult one to make, but one I am proud of regardless, and am confident that the team will continue the KvD legacy! Here’s to many, many more years of KvD Vegan Beauty!

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